Saturday, August 8, 2009

Anyone know where I can find Rx Bandits' Live DVD called 'Live In Caracas'? It'd be much appreciated..


huwyt said...

Hi there,
I just wanted to let you know that you got a very nice blog full of awesome movies.
Also, I'd like to ask you something : is there a program I could use for downloading all the files ? What do you use ?
Because it gets long to download all of them manually.

huwyt said...

And here are a few suggestions of movies for you to watch :
- Last Days, Gus Van Sant
- Candy, Neil Armfield
- Into the wild, Sean Penn
- Benny's Video, Michael Haneke (maybe you already got that one ?)
- Memento, Christopher Nolan
- Intacto, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo

That's all I have in my mind at the moment.