Thursday, January 15, 2009

Charles De Meaux
The Secret Machines - Marfa Mystery Lights: A Concert For The UFO's

No Wikipedia entry on this film so here is the entry for the band who star in it..

It is a really great movie. I realize there is a lack of information on it but I would recommend it highly.

This is a very well done, extremely odd, and ridiculously rare DVD I ordered from France. Due to its scarcity I cannot seem to find an IMDB Page on it, so here is the IMDB of the Director, Charles De Meaux ..


Anonymous said...

not sure if this will ever be looked at again but im dying to see this! you know how to watch these parts when downloaded? do you have to join em together or something? thanks

thesecretmachine said...

hey, no problem ...

Are you running on windows or mac?

If windows download the software winrar and merely open the first file. it will put them together for you

if mac use the program rar expander. it will also just put it together for you if simply open the first part and let it do its thing.

Let me know if you still can't get it.

Anonymous said...

thanks,im on windows and have winrar so i'll let you know. im not on premium rapidshare so im patiently downloading one at a time! Really hope it works, been dying to see this for ages. thanks. paul

thesecretmachine said...

Yeah, that was a bitch to find.. I actually had to buy the DVD from France.. There's only like 500 copies. It's worth the wait. It's an interesting look at the band and (in my opinion) especially highlights Benjamins growing frustrations that led to his eventual departure from TSM.

Anonymous said...

so i'm dying to watch this film. and i am having a heck of a time to get this thing put together on windows. would i need to do something with winrar to get them together? any tips would be helpful.

rock on secret machines!

Anonymous said...

i figured it out.

for help, refer to this.

Ryan said...

I just wanted to say thanks, I've been after seeing this for a fair while now. If it's any good I'm sure I'll be scouring the net for a DVD copy!


Dan said...

Hi could somebody re-upload this please! Really wanna catch it. I would be ever so grateful and love you long time!

Paul Disastro said...

Yeah if the rapidshare files could be posted back up, that would be phenomenal! I have plenty of Music related docs to share in return.

Anonymous said...

please re-upload the video. the links are dead. i've been looking for ages

Babak Tourani said...


I know I'm about 3-4 years late(!) but I was wondering if anyone knows where else I could download this film. I saw it in a screening in Tate Modern in London, but they were not selling it then...